๐Ÿ”Œ sdk support

The field consists of a dictionary of SharpSports SDK objects and corresponding information about what platforms provide support for the associated bookRegion object.

see ๐Ÿ“œ bookRegions List for endpoint.

      "name":"New York",
      "country":"United States",
      "sdkRequired": true,
      "sdkSupport": { 
         "webBrowserExtension": {
            "documentation": "https://docs.sharpsports.io/#browser-extensions",
            "platforms": [
                  "name": "chrome",
                  "supported": true,
                  "minSdkVersions": ["1.0.0"]
                  "name": "firefox",
                  "supported": false,
                  "minSdkVersions": null
                  "name": "safari",
                  "supported": false,
                  "minSdkVersions": null
         "androidNative": {
            "documentation": "https://github.com/sharpsports/sharpsports-android",
            "platforms": [
                  "name": "android",
                  "supported": true,
                  "minSdkVersions": ["1.0.1"]
         "iOSNative": {
            "documentation": "https://github.com/sharpsports/sharpsports-spm",
            "platforms": [
                  "name": "iOS",
                  "supported": true,
                  "minSdkVersions": ["2.3.0"]
         "reactNative": {
            "documentation": "https://github.com/sharpsports/sharpsports-mobile/pkgs/npm/sharpsports-mobile",
            "platforms": [
                  "name": "iOS",
                  "supported": true,
                  "minSdkVersions": ["1.4.0","2.0.0"]
                  "name": "android",
                  "supported": false,
                  "minSdkVersions": null
         "cordova": {
            "documentation": "https://github.com/sharpsports/cordova-plugin",
            "platforms": [
                  "name": "iOS",
                  "supported": false,
                  "minSdkVersions": null
                  "name": "android",
                  "supported": false,
                  "minSdkVersions": null

documentation (string)

A link for the documentation for this SDK. Some of these links are for private NPM packages or github repositories so you may need to request access.

platforms (hash)

A list of Platform objects (mobile devices, browsers) associated with this SDK

name (string)

The name of the Platform. Currently the options for this field are:

chrome, firefox, safari, android, iOS

supported (boolean)

Indicates that this Book(Region) is supported on this SDK and Platform combination.

minSdkVersions (string)

A list of the minimum major versions of the SDK required for this Book(Region) to be supported. If the SDK version on the end users device does
not meet these requirements then they will not be able sync this Book(Region) and may be prompted in our UI to upgrade their app or browser extension version.

In the example provided you can see that in order for DraftKings to be synced using the reactNative SDK, the SDK verison on the users device must be
greater than 1.4.0 or 2.0.0 depending on the major version of the SDK they have installed.