Straight to Sportsbook
Once you Find the marketSelection(s) you'd like to create a betPlace link for, the next step is choosing the sportsbook you'd like to link to.
When you get the 🏷️ MarketSelection, you need to reference the betPlace Availability
object, which shows a list of key value pairs, representing the availability on each book by 📖 Book Abbr..
We recommend making sure the book you're interested in is available before creating a link.
"betPlaceAvailability": {
"dk": true,
"wb": false,
"bs": false,
"ca": true,
"fd": false,
"bo": false,
"mg": true,
"fb": false,
"pb": true,
"ud": false,
"pp": false
Use the lineAvailability
parameter to get a list of available lines for a specific 🏷️ MarketSelection.
Create the link using the following scheme:<marketSelectionId>/<bookabbr> or <bookId>
This link structure will default to the main line offered by the book
Alternate Lines
Add a line to the url to create a link to specific betslip at a specific line:<marketSelectionId>/<bookId>?line=<line>
Parlay Links
Use the url structure:<bookId>?marketSelection=<comma separated list>
For alternate lines on parlays, add &line=<comma separated list>
to the end of the url, ensuring the number of lines you pass is the same as the number of marketSelections. If you want the default main line for a marketSelection, you can pass in a blank or null
Updated 9 months ago